The purpose of Battleground Community Church is to glorify God through Christ-exalting worship as we grow together in biblical community while going with the gospel to all people(s).
Membership Process
Step One:
New Member EQUIP
New Member EQUIP is a required four-week class that explains the purpose, core beliefs, and church membership at Battleground Community Church These classes are typically offered each month. Attendees will be equipped to be effective disciple-making members. Classes are typically on Sundays at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall, led by one of our leadership team members.
Step Two:
Pastoral Conversation
After completing New Member EQUIP, those ready for membership will have a conversation with one of Battleground Community' pastors. During this conversation, the potential new member will share his/her story and explore areas of service and engagement at Battleground Community with the pastor. Membership expectations and core beliefs must also be affirmed.
Step Three:
Membership Affirmation and Commitment
Once the three New Member EQUIP classes and the pastoral conversation are completed, those desiring to join Battleground Community will fill out and submit a signed card to one of Battleground Community' pastors. This card signifies that the new member unites with Battleground Community in purpose, affirms our core beliefs, and commits to the expectations of church membership. Once this card is submitted, the membership process is completed.
Step Four:
New Member Celebration and Commissioning
Once per quarter, new members are invited to gather for lunch with the pastoral staff for a time of fellowship and commissioning to serve in the life of Battleground Community Church.