EQUIP is the main tool through which Battleground Community Church trains and equips leaders for the work of ministry. Specifically, EQUIP will be accomplished through Pastoral oversight by means of strategic coaching and equipping of leaders for the work of ministry (intentional leadership training).
In keeping with the teaching of Ephesians 4:12, we seek to “equip the saints for the work of ministry.” This means that as your pastors, we are to be equipping and teaching you to be successful in the work of ministry. This involves every aspect of our lives. It means that God has called us to intentional living for His glory. Equipping/discipling ‘as we go.’ EQUIP will function as Battleground Community' primary method for carrying out the mandate given in Ephesians 4:12.
Two Major Categories:
1. For the growth of all believers. EQUIP will encourage growth strengthening Growth Group leadership through direct pastoral discipleship as it regards to personal disciple-making, doctrinal training, missional training, and leadership development. EQUIP will incorporate occasional, specific studies led by Growth Group Leaders with pastoral oversight. The four areas these studies will fall under are:
- Gospel-Centered Community: Forming an atmosphere of biblical community
- Gospel-Centered Spiritual Growth: Facilitating spiritual growth for the Growth Group as a whole and for individuals through personal disciple-making.
- Gospel-Centered Mission: Engaging in local and global ministry
- Gospel-Centered Multiplication: Encouraging and expecting multiplication of leaders and groups
Personal disciple-making will be aided by pastoral modeling and training for leaders. Leaders will then model and train Growth Group members. As a result, one-on-one personal discipleship within the Growth Group should consistently occur. EQUIP will also consist of specific training beyond Growth Groups such as Elder and Deacon training, doctrine, men’s and women’s ministry training, and kids and student ministry training.
2. For going with the gospel to all people(s). EQUIP will embody this by encompassing all contextualized training for all Short-Term sending, specialized training for all Mid-Term sending, and specialized training for all Long-Term sending.
To encourage the growth of all believers, EQUIP will function as a training tool through which Growth Group leaders are equipped and coached to strategically carry out the task of leading the Growth Group. This will include, but is not limited to; Bible Study preparation, leadership development, biblical community through discipleship, local mission involvement and spiritual multiplication.
Being that Growth Group ministry is Battleground Community' primary vehicle for disciple-making relationships, EQUIP will primarily be used to encourage and strengthen personal discipleship. Beyond the Growth Group, EQUIP will train and develop other leaders to carry out the work of ministry through the local church. To encourage going with the gospel, EQUIP will be used for the strategic training and equipping of those both leading and preparing for Short-Term, Mid-Term and Long-Term missions.