Where Does Your Giving Go?
Your Weekly Giving
BCC General Fund: This fund is the regular, weekly, giving that goes to the operating budget for Battleground Community Church.
Your Sacrificial Offerings
These offerings are opportunities for you to give are over and above your weekly giving. You can feel confident that 100% of the funds below go directly to work where you designate them.
BCC Growth Solutions Fund: This fund is for ministry needs or opportunities within every area of ministry that is non-budgeted. (Ex. Kids Ministry expansion; Production improvements such as sound board repair) This fund is administered through our Elders.
Capital Campaign: This fund is used to accomplish the total renovation of our worship center and facilities. (Ex. Worship Center, Kids Space, Students Space, Office, Lobby, etc.)
James 127 Fund: The purpose of this fund is two-fold: 1. To take care of the needs of our church family that finds themselves in crisis. 2. To take care of the needs of our Kings Mountain Community that finds themselves in crisis. This fund has Elder oversight, but is led and administered through our Deacon body, with priority given to our church family at BCC.
Adoption Endowment Fund: The Adoption Endowment Fund assists church members as they seek to grow their families through adoption. This fund is managed by the Elders of Battleground Community Church.
Lottie Fund: This fund is collected throughout the year culminating in a grand giving on a Sunday in December. 100% of these funds are sent to the International Mission Board (IMB), supporting missionaries all over the world.
Annie Fund: This fund is collected throughout the year culminating in a grand giving on Easter Sunday. 100% of these funds are sent to the North American Mission Board (NAMB), supporting missionaries all over the world.