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Online Giving

Online Giving



The purpose of Battleground Community Church is to glorify God through Christ-exalting worship as we grow together in biblical community while going with the gospel to all people(s). 

Click Here To Give Online

We expect members at Battleground Community to worship, study, serve, give and live unto the Lord. In 2 Corinthians 9:7, Paul writes that “each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” This means that believers are to give joyfully and decidedly in their tithes and offerings to the local church.

How to Give for the First Time:

1. Select “Give Online”
2. Enter the amount you want to give
3. Select the fund(s) from which you want to give- (ex. BCC General Fund)
4. Choose “One Time” or “Regularly” for the Occurrence
5. Enter your email address
6. Select Continue
7. Enter your payment information - you will be prompted to complete the donation in various ways depending on your payment method.

How to Give/Change Your Online Giving:

1. Select “Give Online”
2. Select Login
3. Enter your email address
4. Check your email
5. Click on Log In Now
6. Enter your giving information

Click Here To Get The Church Center App To Give On Your Phone