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This page consists of every sermon series and sermon that has been preached at Battleground Community Church since the Spring of 2017.

Sermons from April 2018

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April 22, 2018

The Lord's Anointed

Speaker: Stephen Littlejohn Series: Selah: Studying The Psalms With Heart & Mind Passage: Psalm 2:1–12

April 15, 2018

Two Ways, Two Ends

Speaker: Stephen Littlejohn Series: Selah: Studying The Psalms With Heart & Mind Passage: Psalm 1:1–6

April 8, 2018

The Gospel Explained

Speaker: Stephen Littlejohn Series: Gospel Displayed Passage: Luke 24:13–35

April 1, 2018

The Gospel Displayed

Speaker: Stephen Littlejohn Series: Gospel Displayed Passage: Luke 23–24