Building Renovation Pledge Campaign
We hope you are as excited as we are to begin this journey of renovating our building by faith. We are calling this season, "Forward By Faith."
We prayerfully always desire to follow God's Word in all areas of life and ministry, and this includes the way we handle our renovation plans and pledges. Following the clear example we find in Scripture, we have announced the total amount of pledges that our leaders have made by faith for the renovation of our building.
We have called you to a season of prayer as you follow the example of our leaders by making your pledges as well. In regards to your pledges, think about them in three ways. First, think about how much you can give now. Secondly, think about how much you can give over the next three years. And third, please sign your pledge cards, knowing that all pledge cards will be held in strict confidence.
Please mark your calendars. Next Sunday, July 31st, at 5:00pm, we will be having a churchwide ice cream celebration, where we will have a time of fellowship and celebration for what God is doing among us, and what He has provided through us for the renovation of our building.
Thank you for your faithfulness and prayerful generosity as we move forward by faith. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Stephen or Pastor Micah by clicking here.
In Christ,
BCC Staff
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Building Renovation Pledge Campaign